

This is a blog about living with Neurofibromatosis

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Headaches and caffeine

So I know some people stay away from caffeine when they have headaches or they get headaches from to much caffeine. With me it seems to help my headaches. In fact Excedrin migraine has caffeine in it, That's what I usually take unless its late at night and I don't want to be kept up from the caffeine so Ill take something else.
I'm curious about the rest of you, do you stay away from coffee/ caffeine?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nf and the backstreet boys

July 8th my dream came true of 14 years to meet The Backstreet Boys! It was a 4 hour drive to Tacoma to see the NKOTBSB concert but it was all worth it. I got to meet all the guys and give them NF bracelets and then do a tour backstage with Nick and the rest of the fanclub. Once the show started A.J sported his NF bracelet for the entire concert! It was an amazing experience and a great way to spread awareness!

Headaches and bumps

So for a while I had been getting headaches for frequently and the ibuprofen just was';t cutting it anymore, so I switched to Excedrin migraine. Two of those seem to do the trick but I'm wondering what over the counter pain killer do you guys take for your NF related headaches?

Also it seems lately I've been getting more of the little fibroma's just under the surface of the skin, and a little for freckling on my arms. Its rather annoying considering growing up it all pretty much stayed the same. I'm wondering if it continues what will I look like in 10 years? I know either way my friends and family will love me, so bring on the spots!